mushi says:
numa numa iei
Camilla [[somehow we missed the signs that it all was never real.]] says:
numa XD
mushi says:
eh a prova definitiva q todo vampiro eh viado XD
Camilla [[somehow we missed the signs that it all was never real.]] says:
Camilla [[somehow we missed the signs that it all was never real.]] says:
Camilla [[somehow we missed the signs that it all was never real.]] says:
eu quero essa prova!
Camilla [[somehow we missed the signs that it all was never real.]] says:
mushi says:
por associacao livre de ideias:
mushi says:
vampiro -> dracula -> romenia -> o-zone -> gay
Camilla [[somehow we missed the signs that it all was never real.]] says:
Camilla [[somehow we missed the signs that it all was never real.]] says:
meu idolo vc!
mushi says:
com certeza Dracula canta numa numa iei tbm :P
Camilla [[vampiro -> dracula -> romenia -> o-zone -> gay]] says:
claro que sim!
fantástico é eu ter neurônios devotados a esse tipo de abobrinha e mais nenhum apto em escrever histórias o_o'
Bela Lugosi não é viado! Nem o Chrisopher lee! Nem o Max Schrek, nem o Gary Oldman ou o Klaus Kinski! Hunf!
O Drácula é foda! Viado é o Angel! X^D
: D (Reply)