I´m soooo lovely...
You are Cancer Deathmask. You have few friends and
are considered oen of the cruelist saints to
have ever lived. Your house is covered with
faces of those you have killed. You love to
send people to hell and laugh. You work for
whoever offers you the most. Much like Pisces.
You are well known for having the most kills in
all of sanctuary.
What Saint Seiya Gold Saint are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
E pensar que o povo diz que Vicious é um nome óbvio para um vilão... :^) (Reply)
Comigo deu o que tinha que dar... :) Shaka de Virgem ! :D
Melhor deixar de fazer essas brincadeirinhas se não vc continua mais instável ainda! (Reply)
huahuahuahuahu..... :P (Reply)
He, he, he... Bateu com o resultado do teste que fiz em português, e nem precisei roubar nas respostas!!! ^v^ (Reply)